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Published January 4, 2019
As Unity releases new features, I am compelled to consider projects which would aid in my learning of said projects. Usually they are too large to finish.

TinyUnity, aka ‘Instant Unity’, will allow developers to produce HTML5 games and 2d visualizations which can work as interactive ads, Facebook messenger, and etc. These builds are promised to be quite small and therefore load quite quickly. The modularity of Unity comes into play here. Additionally, though – Unity has created a new editor system surrounding this concept, using ECS as the backbone.

I will be delving into Tiny Unity for experience in ECS and because games that sit comfortably in an IFrame are appealing to me. I have a couple of ideas for this. I was thinking about rebuilding the Vines game from the Game Jam that I hosted at Roostercat, but as of this writing, TinyUnity does not support LineRenderer. So I’m considering either building a) A MathBlaster type of game, or b) building the vines app anyway.


TinyUnity is difficult and buggy. I won’t be building either of those things as of the .13.4 preview. I’m really stoked and looking forward to the updates!


So I got my Tiny Unity project up and going to a point that I was comfortable, and started doing some analysis of the result. I looked at the amount of cpu processing that the built project was running at, and was shocked because it was around 30% for something pretty simple. I turned the task over to Unity and asked questions on the Unity forums. It looks like there is a rendering bug on OSX, making Tiny Unity pretty much impractical for what I want. I was promised by an engineer at Unity that they would sort it out when they made the jump to C# and likely not before that. The build running below takes up about 30% of my processor. Long story short, I’ll be waiting for that update before pressing it any more. Here is what I was working on. My intention was to place this at the top of the site and add perlin noise to simulate wind, then make interaction really spicy by detecting the raycast uv on the tiles and make the rotate in the direction of the click and flipping pattern radiate from the click.

I’m really excited to see where this all goes.


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